Vou tocar o foda-se e fazer o que tem que ser feito... Ninguem sabe do que eu estou falando... e nem vou falar pq nao rola mesmo.... mas quando terminar tudo todos vao ficar sabendo.... isso deve ser la pra ultima semana desse mes... antes de comemorar meu niver com os meus amigos.... Vou mudar a minha vida de uma vez.. quero comecar os 19 de uma outra forma... to cansda das coisas como estao... toquei o foda-se geral e como ela mesma disse " vc queria o carro, vc fez de tudo, e tudo pensado, repensado, com todas as suas taticas e conseguiu.. e o como vc queria.. nem usado foi..." e ela tem razao.. em 4 meses eu tirei carta, fiz que me dessem o carro e ja vou pra facu de carro... eu sei como fazer as coisas... so falta querer.. e eu vou.. toquei o foda-se, ou vai ou racha... e se nao for agora i give up... de tudo.... Domingo dia 9 de junho comeca a parada.. e nao tem retorno....
Mais testes hahaha
Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

Sorry to say it, but you'd probably bite it less that halfway through the flick. Whether it's because you tend to panic in stressful sitches or because you'd prefer not to grab a knife and start stabbing back, you're not getting out alive. Extreme fear would have you frozen in terror, allowing the murderer time to fix himself a sandwich before 86-ing you. But hey, it's not all bad. You're non-violent and that's nice. At least you don't have to live the rest of your life with memories of all your friends hacked to pieces. And you won't have to embarass yourself in any sub-par sequels. See, even being the victim of a homicidal rage has it's good points!
Sorry to say it, but you'd probably bite it less that halfway through the flick. Whether it's because you tend to panic in stressful sitches or because you'd prefer not to grab a knife and start stabbing back, you're not getting out alive. Extreme fear would have you frozen in terror, allowing the murderer time to fix himself a sandwich before 86-ing you. But hey, it's not all bad. You're non-violent and that's nice. At least you don't have to live the rest of your life with memories of all your friends hacked to pieces. And you won't have to embarass yourself in any sub-par sequels. See, even being the victim of a homicidal rage has it's good points!
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