
Q coisa mais sei la..

Bom, tava aqui do nada e lembrei de uma musica simples mas q eu adorava quando tava no 2o colegial

You were meant for me

I hear the clock

It's 6 AM

I feel so far from where I've been

I got my eggs and my pancakes too

Got my maple syrup, everything but you

I break the yokes and make a smiley face

I kinda like it in my brand new place

Wipe the spots off of the mirror

Don't leave my keys in the door

I never put wet towels on the floor anymore, cause...

Dreams last for so long

Even after you're gone, and

I know you love me and soon you will see

You were meant for me

And I was meant for you

I called my Momma

She was out for walk

Consulted a cup of coffee

But it didn't wanna talk, So I

Picked up the paper, it was more bad news

More hearts being broken, or people being used

Put on my coat in the pouring rain

I saw a movie, it just wasn't the same, cause

It was happy, oh, I was sad and

It made me miss you, oh so bad, cause...

Dreams last for so long

Even after you're gone, and

I know you love me and soon you will see

You were meant for me

And I was meant for you

Go about my business, I'm

Doing fine, besides what would I say if I had you on the line?

Same story or not, much to say

Hearts are broken every day

I brush my teeth

I put the cap back on

I know you hate it when I leave the light on

I pick a book up and turn the sheets down and

Take a deep breath, and a good look around

Put on my PJ's and hop into bed

I'm half alive, but I feel mostly dead, I

Trying tell myself it'll be alright, I

Shouldn't think

Anymore tonight, cause

Dreams last for so long

Even after you're gone, and

I know you love me and soon you will see

You were meant for me

And I was meant for you

You were meant for me

And I was meant for you...

Teste de QI

Hahaha, fiz um teste de QI, 132 pontos hahaha, Inteligencia Superior...

Clique aqui para baixar o programa

Meu aniversario

Bom, os 19 anos estao cada dia mais proximos hehehehe, pra comemorar vou mudar as imagens do lado no dia 1o de junho... o tema sera... EU DESEJO . hehehehe, as imagens estao muito boas... umas mais picantes, outras mais meiguinhas....

Ah, quem quiser me dar presentes eu aceito viu.. ADORO ganha presente... qq coisa.. :)

Na procura por imagens pra ca eu achei duas MARAVILHOSAS de Brighton

Pra quem nao sabe brighton e a cidade do meu coracao, eu fiz intercambio pra la... tudo PERFEITO la.. god save the Queen!!!

Which Peanuts Character r u?

I'm Linus

I'm the voice of reason, even though I may be a bit shy and insecure.

I provide advice to people in need, which proves to be very helpful.

I have a strong voice and I'm very opinionated.

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz


Meu, salada e muito bom, tudo bem que a minha e mais simples pq eu nao curto muita variedade mas e uma delicia a que eu faco..


Aceto Balsamico

molho de iogurte muito bom do uncle bens

Azeite Extra Virgem


e tomate... cara, eu como uma tigela se deixarem hehehehe

Q coisa....

To ficando rouca.... hahaha, lembro que o Vinicius me dizia que a minha voz fica parecendo de tele-sexo (ele ja deve ter ligado pra saber, ne?! hehehe).... mas ta doendo.... acho q hj nao atendo o telefone, se nao vou ter q cobrar o minuto hahahaha

What snack food r u?

I'm a Twinkie!

What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!

Spongy, yellow, and an utter mystery, you're the X-file of snack foods! More people ponder you than consume you, but you don't mind--you get to remain uneaten and...er...free to do Twinkish things! *grin*

Esse eu peguei na Mari.. sera que esse negocio que eu sou e bom? Hehehehe


Cara, depois que eu desliguei o pc ainda matei mais dois pernilongos.. cara, to virando ninja.... Mas ninja mesmo eu fui no dia em que eu tava deitada na cama, no escuro, falando no telefone.... eu simplismente juntei o dedo indicador com o polegar (nao lembro o nome disso, sabe, sai aquelebarulho de marcacao de musica) quando eu fiz isso senti uma coisa meio gosmenta nos muesdedos, levantei, liguei a luz e quando vi tinha matado um pernilongo.... meu, foi a coisa mais ninja que ja fiz na minha vida hahahaha.... e falando no telefone ainda, no escuro hahahah

Agora, o que eu tenho odio em materia desses chupadores de sangue e o barulho irritante que eles fazem meu... custava ser quietinho mue? Ele vem no teu ouvido ainda te azucrinar, so pra vc nao dormir.... que coisa viu...