Second Chances is your primary love story!
The Second Chances love story is rooted in nostalgia. Whether you're longing for the ex you haven't seen in a year, or are reminiscing about the crush you never connected with 10 years ago, this kind of searching is indicative of more than dissatisfaction with your current romantic relationships.
Whether you do it consciously or not, most people who migrate towards the Second Chances love story either want to revise a past decision, confront someone you couldn't at the time, or revert back to a specific point in time. Do you ever wish you could return to a different period in your life?
This story is repeated more times than you could imagine. Take the film "Peggy Sue Got Married," for instance. In it, a housewife faints at her high school reunion and wakes up in her senior year at high school with the chance to change her destiny. The root of your story too, may arise from these feelings, that you need to reconnect with a time in your life when love was a larger focus of your life and responsibilities were much fewer. But it also might stem from other things as well.
The Emotional IQ Test
Thanks for taking our new Emotional IQ test! Based on your answers, your score is 127.
What does that mean? Well, the Emotional IQ (or "EIQ") test measures several different areas of emotional skills and strength, including:
- Empathy - The ability to successfully put yourself in other people's shoes and understand their feelings, thoughts, and emotions
- Relationship Understanding - The ability to connect with others personally and professionally, which can help you solve even the most difficult disagreements
- Emotional Control - The ability to be in charge of your feelings, no matter how strong they are, and not let them run away with you or dominate your behavior
- Emotional Awareness - The ability to identify your emotions and put them into words so you can more easily express your feelings
Based on your impressive score across the board, we can tell that you not only tend to be really in tune with others, but you're also pretty darn good at keeping the right perspective on life. Sure, it's sometimes hard to juggle everything that goes into your relationships with friends and family, but most of the time you're a star when it comes to balancing your emotional needs with everyone else's.
As you know, emotions are complicated things. Luckily, you also know that while it's important to be a good friend and lover to others, it's essential to see the bigger picture and take care of yourself, too. But we know it's hard to keep the scales balanced all the time. If you need help, just remember this: Offering someone a shoulder to cry on is great; worrying yourself into a tizzy every time someone you care about hits a rough patch isn't. For one thing, it's exhausting! If you wear yourself out fretting about other people, you won't have any time left for yourself. And we all have the right to treat ourselves right and be selfish with our feelings now and then. The road to emotional health and well-being can be bumpy, but if you make it a point to strive for balance and move at a relatively even pace, the bumps won't be so bad. From what we can tell, you've got a map to a pretty smooth route - so keep up the good work!
What does that mean? Well, the Emotional IQ (or "EIQ") test measures several different areas of emotional skills and strength, including:
- Empathy - The ability to successfully put yourself in other people's shoes and understand their feelings, thoughts, and emotions
- Relationship Understanding - The ability to connect with others personally and professionally, which can help you solve even the most difficult disagreements
- Emotional Control - The ability to be in charge of your feelings, no matter how strong they are, and not let them run away with you or dominate your behavior
- Emotional Awareness - The ability to identify your emotions and put them into words so you can more easily express your feelings
Based on your impressive score across the board, we can tell that you not only tend to be really in tune with others, but you're also pretty darn good at keeping the right perspective on life. Sure, it's sometimes hard to juggle everything that goes into your relationships with friends and family, but most of the time you're a star when it comes to balancing your emotional needs with everyone else's.
As you know, emotions are complicated things. Luckily, you also know that while it's important to be a good friend and lover to others, it's essential to see the bigger picture and take care of yourself, too. But we know it's hard to keep the scales balanced all the time. If you need help, just remember this: Offering someone a shoulder to cry on is great; worrying yourself into a tizzy every time someone you care about hits a rough patch isn't. For one thing, it's exhausting! If you wear yourself out fretting about other people, you won't have any time left for yourself. And we all have the right to treat ourselves right and be selfish with our feelings now and then. The road to emotional health and well-being can be bumpy, but if you make it a point to strive for balance and move at a relatively even pace, the bumps won't be so bad. From what we can tell, you've got a map to a pretty smooth route - so keep up the good work!
Cartoon no carnaval...
What fruit r u?
What's your spirit?
Bom, depois de uma puta secao de analise eu nao sei se me sinto melhor ou pior.. melhor por nao me sentir culpada em relacao aos outros mas, me odiar muito, por sempre me boicotar, por nunca estar feliz com o q eu tenho.... Vou ver se ocupo minha cabeca com coisas mais bobinhas.. como um monte de teste que eu achei e vou fazer....
AI.... como a vida e complicada...
Bom, como eu ja disse o Noam nao passou na fuvest... isso significa q e muito provavel q ele va para Sorocaba se nao passar na Paulista... ai meu... sei la.. sorocaba e do lado mas saber q seu melhor amigo nao ta perto e fogo... mas acho q vai ser bom pra ele.... morar sozinho, em pai nem mae e talz... bom, somado a isso tem a UFRJ que me mandou o papel do vestibular deles.. vai rolar em marco e a inscricao e so em maio.. o q me mata e q la eu faria eng naval... ai meu... foda isso... eu gosto de eletrica mas nao e a mesma coisa.... ai, sei la.. eu tenho q ser muito feliz, me fazer muito feliz nesses primeiros meses de maua para tirar o rio da minha cabeca... se nao... nao vai ter como.. vou com a cara e a coragem pra la, mesmo ninguem me ajudando e vou fazer a facu.... ai meu, como as coisas sao complicadas...
Ah, sei la.. minha cabeca ta dando no... eu tb nao faco questao de ir morar no rio.... nao mesmo.. sei la, calor e talz.. mas naval.... e como se chegasse e falassem, olha vc tem chance de passar no Ita e fazer eng aeronautica.. porra meu... virava militar... sem pensar duas vezes... ai, sei la.... tenho vontade de ir pra minha cama e dormir ate nao aguentar mais.. q aflicao.... e a vontade de comecar.. e a vontade de sumir... de sei la... ai ai.... q coisa de louco....
Ah, sei la.. minha cabeca ta dando no... eu tb nao faco questao de ir morar no rio.... nao mesmo.. sei la, calor e talz.. mas naval.... e como se chegasse e falassem, olha vc tem chance de passar no Ita e fazer eng aeronautica.. porra meu... virava militar... sem pensar duas vezes... ai, sei la.... tenho vontade de ir pra minha cama e dormir ate nao aguentar mais.. q aflicao.... e a vontade de comecar.. e a vontade de sumir... de sei la... ai ai.... q coisa de louco....
To triste
Poxa, to mal... o Noam nao passou na fuvest.... e eu fiquei dizendo q ele ia passar.... ai... que saco viu....
Bom, o Ale me ligou e me acordou.. chamando todo o povo pra sair amanha.. comer pizza.. ah, eu quero.. vamos ver se o Noam vai...
Bom, eu sei que eu to usando o netscape... uma bosta... meu site aparece todo torto, com umas cores laranjas.. eca viu.... eu so tenho essa porcaria pra testar site mesmo...
Vou ver se faco alguma coisa pra q as coisas fiquem menos piores.. pq no ie fica como eu quero...
Bom, eu vou colocar a secao de downloads, mas e o seguinte... por enquanto qq um podera baixar o q quiser mas, depois, so os usuarios cadastrados... Pq se nao vira zona.. e quero ter essa secao com qualidade e rapida.. e sem nenhum filho da mae roubar meus links e colocar em outros sites.
Os primeiros downloads serao de programas mas quero por em marco o The Sims e suas tres expansoes....
Mudando de assunto.. eu to tentando zipar um arquivo e ta fogo.... ja ta a duas horas e nao saiu dos 15%... tb, o arquivo tem 3,56GB.. e o filme do Alladin q eu passei de uma fita pro pc... o pior e q ele ta em avi.... acho q eu vou desencanar de zipar e tentar passar pra mpge, se nao rolar eu desencano e deleto.. pq, mesmo tento 45 GB de Hd ta cheio de lixo.. e tem coisa q nao ta mais rolando.... o hd de 15 ta so com 350mb livres.. e um porre.. tudo trava, toda hora, mesmo com 512 de memoria...
Bom, o Ale me ligou e me acordou.. chamando todo o povo pra sair amanha.. comer pizza.. ah, eu quero.. vamos ver se o Noam vai...
Bom, eu sei que eu to usando o netscape... uma bosta... meu site aparece todo torto, com umas cores laranjas.. eca viu.... eu so tenho essa porcaria pra testar site mesmo...
Vou ver se faco alguma coisa pra q as coisas fiquem menos piores.. pq no ie fica como eu quero...
Bom, eu vou colocar a secao de downloads, mas e o seguinte... por enquanto qq um podera baixar o q quiser mas, depois, so os usuarios cadastrados... Pq se nao vira zona.. e quero ter essa secao com qualidade e rapida.. e sem nenhum filho da mae roubar meus links e colocar em outros sites.
Os primeiros downloads serao de programas mas quero por em marco o The Sims e suas tres expansoes....
Mudando de assunto.. eu to tentando zipar um arquivo e ta fogo.... ja ta a duas horas e nao saiu dos 15%... tb, o arquivo tem 3,56GB.. e o filme do Alladin q eu passei de uma fita pro pc... o pior e q ele ta em avi.... acho q eu vou desencanar de zipar e tentar passar pra mpge, se nao rolar eu desencano e deleto.. pq, mesmo tento 45 GB de Hd ta cheio de lixo.. e tem coisa q nao ta mais rolando.... o hd de 15 ta so com 350mb livres.. e um porre.. tudo trava, toda hora, mesmo com 512 de memoria...
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